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Showing posts from January, 2020

how to let go

Welcome back to my blog!  In this post I am going to talk about the importance of letting go.   2019 was an amazing year for me and was filled with some of the most joy filled moments I have ever experienced.   2019 was also filled with some difficult situations and struggles that I have had to work through within myself.   The reason I am saying all this is because this blog post has been something I've needed to hear for a while and I hope that it helps you out in some way, like it did for me.   I found this quote on Pinterest a few days ago and it really sparked my thoughts, so I decided to write about it! I have recently been reading a book called "to hell with the hustle" and in this book, the author discusses our thought patterns and how our thoughts turn into our habits and our habits turn into our everyday reality. So, ultimately if we want to change our everyday reality, we must first start with changing our thoughts. (I highly re...

assumptions people make about type 1 diabetes

In my nine years living with type 1 diabetes I’ve learned a fair bit about myself. Not just my ability to calculate the right amount of insulin for my meal or how exercise, sleep, hormones, sickness or excitement affect my blood sugar levels. My biggest lesson has been patience. I work really hard to keep my levels as stable as possible, but being a diabetic means I had to learn to accept that despite all of that hard work, sometimes I’ll still have elevated blood sugar for reasons beyond my control.  When people find out that I have type 1 diabetes they tend to ask a lot of questions.  I can’t say I really blame them, I know that a lot of people genuinely mean well  but both type 1 and type 2 diabetes are still poorly understood by the average person, meaning that people with diabetes tend to get asked insensitive questions.  So….I decided to  create a short checklist of things to avoid asking when you are talking to someone abo...

how to stay healthy on vacation

  Recently, I just  returned from a week vacation in Florida with my fiance and my family. It was such a relaxing time, and it felt awesome to have a break from work and everyday life. I typically don't worry too much about sticking to my workout routine on vacations because I think it's healthy to rest every once in a while to prevent burnout.  But l et’s be honest, vacations are where healthy habits go out the window. Late nights, eating out every day, missing your daily workout, midnight snacks…….. we can be quick to excuse our overindulgence because we are “enjoying ourselves” and “living in the moment." That is, until we return from our vacation feeling sick and in need of another vacation to recover from our last vacation. This can be especially unmotivating if you’re like me and are the type that loves daily routine, workouts and eating healthy. This doesn't always have to be the case though. Over the years I have discovered simple things t...