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In this post I am going to talk about the importance of letting go. 2019 was an amazing year for me and was filled with some of the most joy filled moments I have ever experienced. 2019 was also filled with some difficult situations and struggles that I have had to work through within myself. The reason I am saying all this is because this blog post has been something I've needed to hear for a while and I hope that it helps you out in some way, like it did for me.
I found this quote on Pinterest a
few days ago and it really sparked my thoughts, so I decided to write about it! I
have recently been reading a book called "to hell with the hustle"
and in this book, the author discusses our thought patterns and how our
thoughts turn into our habits and our habits turn into our everyday reality. So, ultimately if we want to change our everyday reality, we must first start with
changing our thoughts. (I highly recommend, if you are looking for a new read!)
I think it is important to find
contentment and peace with where you are currently in life. This can be easier
said than done because I know that sometimes we are stuck in situations that
we have no control over. These situations can be related to our work
environment, our family situations, our friendships, or even our relationships. I think in order
to find happiness with our life; we have to be willing to let certain things
We all have reasons for why we hold onto situations and the hurt that we feel, when really it's simple: these feelings are heavy and they are weighing us down. Sometimes we need to realize that friendships will change, people will let us down, and life doesn't happen exactly as we planned it.
The truth is that we need to get real with ourselves and realize what we need to let go of so we can grow. If we want blessings, joy, and good things in our life, we need to be available and open to them. Holding onto pain, prevents you from appreciating the current blessings in your life.
A huge first step is identifying the things that you need to
let go of, the situations that you need to move past, and things that may be
weighing you down and figure out how you personally need to work through them.
Sometimes this means talking and voicing your feelings to someone that you trust so
you can work through an issue. Other times, this means putting up necessary
boundaries and walking away from a negative situation that is making you feel less than. Whatever it is, you know what needs to be done.
My personal goal for 2020 is being open to whatever the future holds and focusing on the all blessings and people currently in my life. God knows what is going to happen in the future and even though
we may not always understand the reason behind certain situations, HE does. You are free to let that situation or person
go because there are only better things and bigger blessings coming your way!
I hope that you guys enjoyed this
simple post and that it gave you some encouragement!