Hi everyone,
Welcome back to my blog! In today's post I am so excited to be sharing the healthy habits that I enjoy and help me live the best life that I can. We just started a brand new year, so what better way to kick off 2021 by taking time to do the little things that make you feel your best!
Drink Water
My first tip is simple and that is drinking enough water. This is pretty self explanatory, but water really has an affect on our daily energy and I can definitely tell when I drink less water I feel groggy and have low energy. I also try to drink a full bottle of water before my morning coffee. That would definitely be one tip I swear by.
Establish a Morning Routine
Another tip that has really impacted my life in a positive way is developing a morning routine. This does not have to be journaling or meditation or anything that is extremely time consuming. It doesn't matter what your morning routine looks like as long as it leaves you feeling accomplished, refreshed, and ready to begin the day. It does not have to be the same every day but try sticking to specific habits that you enjoy.
For me personally something that I have been enjoying is writing down three things I am grateful for. It doesn't matter what kind of day I am having or what is going on in my life at the time. I can always find at least three things that I am thankful for. Another thing I always do is write down one or two tasks in my planner that I want to accomplish that day. Even if I'm off work it feels good to cross things off my to do list. I promise that developing a great morning routine is something that will change your life because it really improves the entire rest of your day.
Less Phone Time
Another tip that I recently started doing is no phone in the bedroom. It is so easy to fall into the habit where you get in bed and scroll on your phone for 45 minutes before you go to sleep. There are many reasons why this is not a good habit to develop, but the main one is too much screen time before bed messes up your circadian sleep rhythm and your quality of sleep goes way down. Another habit to stop doing is looking at your phone as soon as you wake up in the morning. Being met with all of these texts, notifications, and social media posts first thing in the morning can be overwhelming and set your day off on a negative note. Something that I have been doing instead is setting my phone on do not disturb right away and I don't look at my phone until after I complete my morning routine. This has made a HUGE difference in my productivity and I even notice I feel more focused and less distracted throughout my day!
Read More Books
My final tip is to read more books. I have always been a lover of reading, but find it difficult to set aside time to read consistently. These past few months I have finally gotten into a routine of reading at least a chapter every night before bed. There are so many different kinds of books to choose from and reading is much healthier choice than mindlessly watching TV or Youtube videos. It is also very relaxing so if you have trouble falling asleep at night, reading a book might be beneficial!
These are just a few habits that have impacted my life in a positive way. Hopefully this post encouraged you and was a reminder that every choice you make matters. There is always room for growth and improvement even when it comes to the little things. ♡