Today I thought I would write a post about things to do while in quarantine. I know a lot of us are cooped up at home because of this virus. If you're anything like me it's been quite the adjustment, because I am someone that thrives on routine and peace. Right now everything is shut down and everyone is freaking out, so the world is anything but peaceful. Here are a few things that I enjoy doing when I need to get my mind off things:
Read a Good Book
Right now the libraries are all closed, but that doesn't mean you can't still read a book! Amazon offers free books as well as major discounts. I know it's cliche but reading is relaxing and so good for you. Taking a break from looking at your phone 24/7 is so healthy for you brain, and reading is so much better for you than scrolling through your Facebook feed filled with negativity ;)
Be Creative
My next idea is to create something, whether that be a craft, repainting a room, baking, or writing/journaling. Being creative helps you express yourself and it can be a great at home outlet to let out your stress. Maybe you can even discover a new hobby!
Stay Organized
Use your extra time to clean out your closet, car, room, etc. Get rid of all the clutter you don't need. I know whenever I have a clean space I feel so much calmer and my mind feels clearer. Another good idea is to sell clothes you don't wear anymore. Poshmark or even Instagram are easy ways to sell all your old stuff, and you can make some extra money.
Try a new workout
This is the perfect time to try out a new workout! I just started doing HIIT workouts and had no idea how challenging and fun they can be! So many fitness instructors have been posting at home workouts on Instagram, and YouTube has lot of free yoga and bootcamp videos. During this quarantine it's even more important to keep our bodies healthy and strong. Just because you're stuck at home doesn't mean you can't get a great workout in.
Make a gratitude list
Whenever I feel like I'm in a mental funk, one thing I always do is create a gratitude list. Physically writing down everything I'm thankful for always gives me a positive perspective, no matter the situation. There is just something about reminding yourself about all the blessings in your life, that instantly improves your mood.
Spend time with Loved Ones
Finally, being stuck in the house gives you extra time to spend with your loved ones. Make the best of the situation by playing games, watching movies, and enjoy quality time together. In normal life we are always go, go, go, so it can be nice to take a break to relax,
I know it's been tough with the quarantine so I hope this post gives you some ideas to keep busy during this time!