It feels like in today's world we are constantly planning ahead. Even though this can be a good thing, constantly thinking ahead can occupy our minds and prevent us from simply being in the present moment. Living in the present moment is simply the concept of clearing your mind of thoughts of the past or the future. Often as busy humans we try to multitask. I know I'm not the only one who goes to coffee with a friend, only to be checking my phone or texting someone else, when I really should be giving the person in front of me my full undivided attention. The takeaway from this is that in the midst of multitasking, we miss emotional connections. And connecting with other people is much more important then finishing everything on our to do list. The more present you are, the less stressed and worried you become. It can be so draining when we are too consumed in our own thoughts. When you focus on the present moment, you are allowing y...