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Showing posts from January, 2021

Healthy Habits That Changed My Life (Easy and Practical)

  Hi everyone, Welcome back to my blog! In today's post I am so excited to be sharing the healthy habits that I enjoy and help me live the best life that I can. We just started a brand new year, so what better way to kick off 2021 by taking time to do the little things that make you feel your best! Drink Water My first tip is simple and that is drinking enough water. This is pretty self explanatory, but water really has an affect on our daily energy and I can definitely tell when I drink less water I feel groggy and have low energy. I also try to drink a full bottle of water before my morning coffee.  That would definitely be one tip I swear by. Establish a Morning Routine Another tip that has really impacted my life in a positive way is developing a morning routine. This does not have to be journaling or meditation or anything that is extremely time consuming.  It doesn't matter what your morning routine looks like as long as it leaves you feeling accomplished, refreshed...