With the changing of the seasons comes cooler weather, bonfires, hot chocolate. Also along with those things can come mood changes as well. The days become shorter, the temperature is getting colder, and we’re stuck inside trying to stay warm. The upcoming winter season can have a huge effect on our everyday life. We can get stuck in the daily routine of oversleeping, and sluggishness. I know that during this time of the year, I tend to be less motivated, tired, and just not as happy as I am in the warmer months of the year. So, here are some tips and tricks to fight through the seasonal blues!
Get Enough Sleep It’s easy for us to get sluggish and tired when the sky goes dark by 5 pm. I know I hate getting off work and walking to my car in the pitch black. One thing that will help is making sure you don't stay up all night. (I know I know easier said than done for the night owls) But going to bed at a reasonable time, and waking up bright and ...