With the start of Fall comes a new school year and new routines. I work at a gym, and typically this time of year we get a lot of new members wanting to start their fitness journey. We all have been there and get ourselves all hyped up for a week… and then we end up losing our fitness streak. Then we must start over, back to square one. I'm here to share some tips on how to KEEP that streak going and ways to stay motivated! Do what works for your schedule The number one mistake that people tend to make is plan to workout hard 7 days a week only to burn out after day 2 and eventually give up. If you work a full-time job or are in school, realistically you will not have the time to workout every single day. Simply take a look at your schedule and pick the days that work best for you, even if it's just twice a week, that's better than not going at all! Plan it out When you have no idea what you are going to do at the gym, or have no idea how to use any equipmen...